
Who We Are

We at The Word Fellowship Church care about one thing more than anything else – Jesus Christ. We are a family of individuals that have found hope in Jesus, and simply want as many people as possible to experience that same freedom.


Our Story

Where It All Began

The Word Fellowship Church began with 10 people, including Pastors Trey & Earleen. They first started meeting in the Hill’s living room on Elm Street in July 1979.

After 3 months, they began holding services using the Episcopal Church building on 5th street. The current building was purchased in 1983, and renovations began. A year later services were being held in TWFC’s own church auditorium. Through the years, additions have been added, walls have changed, but the Word of God continues to go forth. Lives have been changed, people have been healed, and God is still moving today.


After 3 months, they began using the Episcopal Church building on 5th street to hold services. They purchased the current building in 1983, and renovations began. A year later services were being held in TWFC’s own church auditorium.

Through the years, the building has been updated, but God’s Word has never changed, and it continues to go forth. Lives have been changed, people have been healed, and God is still moving today.


The Word Fellowship Church (TWFC) Who We Are, Where It All Began
The Word Fellowship Church (TWFC) Who We Are, Where It All Began

A Few Stats About Us

Founded in July


Charter Members

The Word Fellowship Church (TWFC) Who We Are, Where We're Headed

Where We’re Headed

GROWTH: When we say growth, we’re not concerned about numbers – we care about people. We’re on a mission to advance the Kingdom of God. As we grow the Kingdom, we also grow.

Hebrews 4 says that the Word of God is alive and active. We read about it in the Bible. We’ve seen it in our own lives. We’re still seeing it today and in every generation. That means His Word still works today, and it will work for you!

FAITH IN ACTION: Compassion and mercy are two characteristics of the ministry of Jesus. Compassion is more than just feeling sorry for a struggling person. Rather, it is a driving desire to take away their pain. For example, the Bible tells us that true and undefiled religion is to take care of widows and orphans. Compassion is being the tangible hands and feet of Jesus.

We have a God-given assignment to bring help and relief to a hurting world around us. We have been authorized and empowered by Jesus to display His love and power to our community. In addition, we also give monthly to support 11 different missionaries around the world.


Our Focus

His Plan

As members of The Word Fellowship Church, we completely surrender our lives to Jesus Christ to work with Him and for Him.

Preaching and Teaching

We endeavor to preach and teach the good news of the Gospel with signs following.


We are on a mission to move beyond the four walls of our church and tell the story of how Jesus can do for you what He’s done for us!

What This Means For You

The Church isn’t a building. The building is just where we meet. The Church is made up of people, just like you, from all walks of life and with all kinds of experiences who believe in Jesus.

Each person has a unique function, and when we all come together, we form the Body of Christ. We are not an island unto ourselves. We are a body, a community, and without each other, we can’t do life.

That’s why one of our highest priorities is fellowship through relationships.

When you join TWFC, that’s what you’re a part of. Our vision is to not only be the tangible hands and feet of Jesus throughout Karnes County but around the world. Will you join us?

The Word Fellowship Church (TWFC) Who We Are, What This Means For You

Service Times

Join us for one of our services!

Sunday – First Service at 8:30 am,
Sunday School, all ages at 10:00 am,
and Second Service at 10:50 am

Wednesday – Midweek Service and Twenty20 Youth at 7:30 pm

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